How to beat depression naturally and overcome low moods

How to beat depression naturally and overcome low moods

Depression is two types, one is low mood and the other one is bio polar which is an extreme symptom of depression and lasts for months, effecting your daily lifestyle. Symptoms of depression include feeling unhappiness, helplessness, hopelessness, low self-esteem and finding no pleasure in things.

Supplements such as B vitamins, herbs St. John's Wort, Rhodiola, lemon balm L-theanine, ginkgo can help overcome the symptom of depression. Phosphatidylserine is a phospholipids component of the brain cell membrane.

It acts as a biological detergent keeping fatty substances soluble and keeping cell membrane fluid.

It also seems to augment brain glucose metabolism and increase neurotransmitter receptors sites.

It appears that phosphatidylserine may also be effective in treating depression in the elderly. the amino acid DLPA has been shown to possess anti-depressant effects. DLPA is a precursor to various brain compounds dopamine, noradrenaline, phenylethylamine that are known to enhance mental function and elevate mood.

Vitamin B plays a major role in maintaining proper brain chemistry, particularly relating to the activity and metabolism of neurotransmitters. Deficiencies in certain B vitamins are common in depression.

Research has shown that St john wort can relieve mild to moderate depression, anxiety and related sleep disturbances, although early in vitro research suggested that the primary mechanism of action was due to an MAO inhibiting effect of compound hypericin. New in vivo evidence has concluded that oral ingestion of st john wort extracts possesses little if any MAO inhibiting activity, the mechanism based on recent in vivo in the investigation, appears to be reuptake inhibiting effect on serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline associated with the compound hyperforin.

Rhodiola is an active compound that enhances the transport of serotonin precursors into the brain, leading to a significant increase in brain serotonin activity.

Rhodiola has also been shown to reduce the degradation of mood-elevating neurotransmitters. The effects of Rhodiola may be additionally valuable.

The active compound in the herb ginkgo has been shown to reduce depressive tendencies and improve mental clarity in older adults.

Aside from improving microcirculation to the brain ginkgo enhance the activity of the certain mood-elevating neurotransmitter, in part due to its influence on cell receptors.

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